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‘It was an honour to be your director of PR, Sir’

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“Good morning, sir. The speech (for Ralph Kasambara burial) will be delivered to the residence. Here is the soft copy,” I texted him early Monday morning on 10th June 2024.

“Ok, sir. Thank you,” he responded.

While still holding my phone, I waited – as he had always done – to ask me if I were joining him or I had travelled in advance. 

He did not ask. I took it that because 24 hours later, he would have an audience with Fifa president, he did not mind if I stayed to work at the office. So I stayed and proceeded with other assignments.

The late Chilima

Little did I know,  that was our last conversation. I can not hide my devastation. Yes, we buried him on June 17, 2024,  but SKC [Saulos Klaus Chilima] is safe. He has not died in even. For a person like me who met him or spoke with him on a daily basis, I can say without any fear of contradiction that we have lost a man who meant well for this country.

For now, all can say is that it was an honour and privilege to work for SKC. I have served Dr. Chilima as director of communications at the VP’s office as well as his official spokesperson since 2014.

I was 33, he was 41 when we all stepped in the Office of the Vice-President for the first time. That I would stay this long working for a man who demanded standards, speed, loyalty and due diligence is something that I will celebrate forever.

I am proud that for 10 years I served a noble man who dedicated his life to serving our nation and its people with dignity, compassion, and unwavering commitment.

Dr. Chilima’s leadership, wisdom, and warmth inspired me. I have learnt a lot from him. I learnt to always do due diligence. I learnt the value of time. I learnt the power of discipline. I learnt, no matter what, the importance of finding time for God. I will deeply miss him.

As a country in shock and a people in mourning, let us honour his memory by continuing to work towards a brighter future for our nation, just as he would have wanted.

My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Mary, his children, his family, friends and all those who had the privilege of knowing him.

Rest well, Sir…For this is how we addressed each other. I will miss our daily communications between 4am and 5am. Your legacy will live on in my heart.

May your Soul Rest in Eternal Peace, Sir.

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